Wednesday 3 March 2010

Camera Chic

Blogs, facebook, twitter, flickr, tumblr (anything else ending in -er?) and all the general wonderful sharing ways of the internet mean everybody's a photographer all of a sudden. Illustrating our lives is apparently essential.
If you are one of those people who takes photos of everything and everyone almost every time you go out, I say ditch the boring cameras (especially if you use a camera phone, agh!) and get yourself a hot one to complement whatever look you're rocking.
But attempting to follow the above philosophy was actually rather difficult when I realised that ill cameras are not that readily available. After far too much time spent searching, here are a few of the cute and daaaamn good-looking cameras I found:

Lomography cameras also take seriously beautiful pictures:
Oh and, Jacobs - that cracker company- once made cameras as well (wtf? Interesting promotional tool, I guess...):

Know of any worthy cameras? Email a pic to with "Camera Love" in the title.


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