Tuesday 6 April 2010

Bring It Bitches.

So... Election, anyone?
As of today, it is on.
The politicians will be stepping up their bitchiness, desperately clawing each other down to get to the (or stay on) top. As if they haven't been doing that already...

Am I the only one freaked out a little bit surprised by all of David's (poor) pop culture references? American Idol? George Clooney? Shakira? I can only guess he's been spending way too much time channel-hopping on Sky looking for comedy material.

I can't vote, which sucks, so if you can vote then please don't waste it.
Unfortunately, the only kind of thing I'm qualified to vote in is my local Youth Parliament elections. Yeah, Youth Parliament's a real thing. Yes it is. Last school assembly we were forced to watch their campaign videos.

Highlights from the Campaign Videos- 

1.“Um, I want to reduce bus fares…” Yay! “…because, if youth can’t go outside then we’ll be bored at home and, uh, turn to crime.” Um, okay.
And then up pops that weird moving 3D Word Art everyone used to get really excited about using on PowerPoints in class presentations. It says: if U wan’t 2 B heard then Vote 4 ME. Agh, It’s like when local councils think their leaflets will better teach about chlamydia if they use the native “text language”, with random capitalization (only cool when John Green does it) and non-standard grammar thrown in just fo’ kicks.  Needs to stop.

2.The girl who raged about banning underage sex and alcoholism (Know. Your. Audience.), earning the crowd's observant and oh-so-witty comebacks e.g. “Just ’cos you can’t get any, fatty.”

3.“Vote for me because I have the dominant allele for effort”. A biology joke! Ahh. My vote: it's yours.

I can only hope the adults will do it better. But after watching an entire session of the House of Commons in which all the MPs were just sitting around jeering and booing at one another (what is with that?!), I'm not so sure that they could.

Maybe this vid right here isn't so far from the truth...


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