She's got that BIG hair...
After Hannah's brilliant review of HAIR the Musical, and having received my reviewer's copy of Chris-Tia Donaldson's Thank God I'm Natural ahead of its UK release (which I may or may not review eventually because, you know, I'm a little bit lazy oh and yeah I have exams I'm not really keen on failing lol), I've tripped into a kind of obsession with big, wild beautiful hair. Fuck relaxers.
I know all the non-black people will be like, "Uh, relaxer what...?" and I will probably explain that when (if) I put up the book review but right now I'm going to do something that I don't usually do (except for with Camera Chic, which you should click on now!! if you haven't seen it already) and just picture spam you guys here. Because words can't (completely) convey my love of the big, big hair...
I know all the non-black people will be like, "Uh, relaxer what...?" and I will probably explain that when (if) I put up the book review but right now I'm going to do something that I don't usually do (except for with Camera Chic, which you should click on now!! if you haven't seen it already) and just picture spam you guys here. Because words can't (completely) convey my love of the big, big hair...

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