“We're not riding off of other people's fans and popularity by doing reposts, we're pushing out original content and asking our viewers to care about what we have to say or what we think is funny.”
“I want young girls to redefine what it means to be "WILD" and for them to feel like it's cool to truly be yourself”
“Two infinity and beyond!”
“Two infinity and beyond!”
Shandrea Lewdram is made up of the sharp Toronto girls, performer Andrea Lewis and writer Shannon Boodram. Those girls are on it. They are deeply amusing, inspirational, WILD. Hence the name of their fabulous blog Those Girls Are Wild (“No, it’s not a porn site I swear”- something I say on a regular basis as I am always recommending their blog to people).
They are a pair of genuine best friends, “we started out in a crew of 40+ girls in grade 9 (called the bad gyals) then we downsized to 5 girls in grade 11 (called Legalidies), then after high school it became just me and Andrea (Those Wild gyals!)”, they put fantastically funny skits on youtube and they discuss everything from fake accents and whether or not kids should be sentenced as adults, to relationship advice and more in their "Topic of the Week" segment.
(you have to watch this all the way through!!)
What made you want to start up Those Girls Are Wild?
Hmmm, honestly I don't think either one of us thought it would be as big part of our lives as it is now. What really made us want to start it is that we wanted other people in our city of Toronto to know more about the kick ass things we were up to!
Who is a Wild person?
SB: A wild person is a person who is unapologetically themselves! Humorous, determined and opinionated - the kind of person that others love to talk to but hate to piss off!
AL: A wild person is someone who goes a 100% at everything they do whether that be for their career, family or love it doesn't matter! It's that WILD nature that makes them successful!
What do you hope for when people read your blog and watch your videos?
SB: I hope people will feel motivated, I know that's corny but that's my genuine hope. I want our readers to leave our blog with something that they can talk about/ think about for the rest of the day and my underlying goal is that young girls will redefine their definition of what a cool chick is! It doesn't have to be the girl wearing the flyest clothes or talking about the latest gossip, it can be the girl in a plaid shirt that makes everyone laugh and those closest to her better people. I say that's my underlying goal because our blog is actually unisex so I try not to let the guys know that it's secretly all about the ladies!
AL: When people watch our videos or read our blog I want them to come out with either a new perspective on a subject that they never thought about, inspired or just plain and simple put a smile on their face! Like Shannon, I definitely want young girls to redefine what it means to be "WILD" and for them to feel like it's cool to truly be yourself!
Where do you get all your brilliant skit ideas?
Life and art! If you are interested in doing comedy you have to be a fan of comedy PLUS you should be a master at observing true life comedy! I think me and Andrea have that, whenever we go out and I see something that is stupidly funny I love that I can look at her and nod because we're both thinking the same thing. I call it our "one brain" connection because I know that if I pickup on something that I think no one else caught, she did too.
How do you feel about talking so publicly about personal experiences as part of answering requests for advice in personal areas, like relationships?
SB: Damn, I have a book called LAID so anything we've ever gotten on the blog is not even on the same invasive playing field as what I've experienced in both making and promoting my book. I hope that makes people feel comfortable to know that we're never shocked. Shock is a useless feeling that often stands in the way of understanding.
AL: I don't feel uncomfortable because we're not talking about anything new! We're sharing our experiences that many people can relate to and have been through themselves. Like we said, being a WILD girl is a being unapologetically 100% yourself!
What is the best thing that has come of Those Girls Are Wild so far?
SB: For me, book sales, interview opportunities, photography gigs, online friendships, exposure and personal growth as a journalist and social comedian. I couldn't narrow it down to one thing, all-in-all our blog is the most useful thing I have ever built.
AL: The best thing for me that has come out of it is connecting with my fans in a way that my music and my television credits didn't allow me to do before. The blog lets everyone get to know me in a more personal way. I truly feel now like a have hundreds of thousands of FRIENDS! There's nothing better than an email from someone saying how much they like my site because we're just alike.
What’s most difficult about it?
I really don't know of any other blog like ours that is popular. We're not riding off of other people's fans and popularity by doing reposts, we're pushing out original content and asking our viewers to care about what we have to say or what we think is funny. I think that can be tough because getting people to understand our vision when there is no successful predecessor is tough. PLUS because our posts are original sometimes they take hours at a time each, now try doing that every day while still pursuing your individual career goals.
What exciting stuff is coming up next for Those Girls Are Wild?
I guess the exciting stuff is us recognizing that we've got an exciting blog with great potential. The tricky part about our generation is that everything is so new so there are hardly any templates to say "we'd like to be doing what _________ is doing by the end of the year." We started working on a treatment for a show and we're trying to meet with private investors, so nothing concrete just the beginnings of something totally different that no one else with a blog like ours has done.
So, no real plans where Those Girls Are Wild will be in 5 years?
SB: Two infinity and beyond! I legit have no clue, uh Andrea what do you think?
AL: Ditto. In 5 years, TGAW will have taken over the world!
Perfect Day-
SB: All-you-can-eat-sushi + shorts & sandal + a water fight + hanging with my family + doing a skit with Andrea + cuddling with a super hot smart guy and talking for hours!
AL: Brunch with my family, shopping with my mom, skit with Shannon, dinner with my family and friends and then kicking at a live soul/funk spot downtown!
Top 5 BELONGings-
SB: My computer, my car, my cell phone, my audio books, my bicycle
AL: My black berry, my computer, my iPod, my car, my chap stick
Triple chocolate chip cookies or brownies?
SB: I love milk chocolate but I hate chocolate inspired dishes (shakes, brownies, cake, ice cream). Though that doesn't mean I'm going to turn away a plate of brownies or triple chocolate chip cookies...
AL: Whoa, this is a hard one for me - I'm addicted to sweet things that include chocolate! So this depends on if there's ice cream involved and they're warm! If no ice cream I'm taking the cookies!
Shandrea Lewdram Recommend...
...A piece of advice:
SB: I think it's from my mom- "everyone's favourite topic is themselves." This is how I built my career by being a channel for others to get to know themselves through.
AL: "Everything comes in it's own time" - Maya Angelou. At the time when she told me this I was a little confused but now I understand. People have asked us why didn't you do this site years ago? But the answer is simple, we couldn't have, we weren't in that place in our lives but now we are and that's why TGAW is as successful as it is!
...Places in Toronto:
SB: Oh my gosh I LOVE The Guild, Rosetta Park, the waterfront, The CN Tower, Copa Cabana, All-You-Can-Eat-Sushi, The Distillery District, Woodbine Beach and Union Station. If I had to choose one I would choose Woodbine Beach - it's a must visit if you ever do come to Toronto.
AL: Because I'm not home as often as I'd like to be (living in LA) I love Toronto more than ever! My favourite places to be are Yorkville, Bloor St, Queen St, The Distillery District, The CNE, The ACC and the list goes on and on...
...Toronto music:
SB: There is definitely lots to do if you like live stuff. Some of my fav TO artists are Andrea Lewis, Kim Davis, Shi Wisdom, Everything That's Fly, Shad, Andreena Mills, Daniel Daley, Blake Carrington, Zaki Ibrahim and of course Drake and Melanie Fiona!
AL: The music scene in Toronto is great! Right now we're killing the game! We've got a lot of very diverse artists that are unbelievably talented but we're still growing I honestly can't wait for what the music is going to be like 5 years from now!
...How to change the world:
SB: If I could improve the living conditions and increase the access of human rights for women living in developing nations that would be pretty rad. Plus it would look pretty damn spiffy on my resume, dontcha think!
AL: If I could I'd like to improve the living conditions for all the children starving or not getting a proper education in third world countries. That absolutely breaks my heart, I'd pull an Angelina Jolie and adopt them all!
the support is absolutely motivating, thank you from one wild girl to another :)
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